Placenta Encapsulation
Benefits of Placenta Encapsulation
Although there are not many studies on placentophagy (injesting of your placenta), some have claimed potential benefits which include:
- Faster overall healing from birth
- Milk supply increase
- Decreased risk or severity of postpartum depression
- An increase in essential nutrients, balancing of postpartum hormones (study)
- An increase in energy and stamina during recovery.
Placenta Encapsulation Package
Capsules prepared using the method of your choice (raw, heated, or half of each)
Stylized placenta photograph
Cord Keepsake
Picked up and Hand Delivery OR Processed in your home at your earliest convenience!
The amount of capsules is dependent on placenta size and the preparation method, however the average yield is 125 to 200.

(or $275 if add-on to Birth Doula Package)
Personalize Your Package
A small piece of raw placenta is placed in your choice of 100 proof vodka or brandy and fermented for a minimum of six weeks. A tincture when stored properly can last for years and is found to have similar benefits of capsules. Utilize the benefits during the first postpartum menstrual cycle, menopause, and other significant life events.
Process and Methods
Stephanie’s process includes sanitation of her work space and all supplies before and after each encapsulation. Once the work space and supplies have been sanitized cleaning of the placenta begins by rinsing under cool water, removing the amnion and cord, and processing using one of two methods of encapsulation.
She offers either raw or heated preparation of the placenta with the option to include both methods (half and half).
Raw Preparation is the thin slicing of the rinsed placenta in its raw form and dehydrating it, where as, the Heated Preparation includes the additional step of steaming the placenta prior to thinly slicing it for dehydration (this method also yields mothers broth)*. Once dehydration is complete the placenta, cord, and amnion is ground into a fine powder and placed into size zero unflavored vegetarian capsules**.
*Mothers Broth is a liquid created from the steaming of the placenta. It is often added to tea, taken in a spoon of honey, or used in cooking.
**Different size or flavored capsules are available upon timely request and may be subject to an additional fee.
Disclaimer: Placenta consumption in any form is not intended to treat, relieve, or prevent any symptoms, diseases, or ailments. Beneficial results may vary from person to person.
Preparation Instructions
After you have hired Stephanie by signing her service agreement and submitting your payment please follow the guidelines below.
Packing list
Two ziploc bags (double bag the placenta)
Cooler (disposable or reusable) – Stephanie will bring her own to transport
Stephanie’s contact: (240) 300.0524 via phone call or text message
At birth
Tell your provider and birth team you’ll be keeping your placenta (also a great conversation prenatally)
Call Stephanie for pick up if you give birth between 8 am and 8 pm – if calling outside of this time frame please leave a message
If you birth between 9 pm and 7 am keep the placenta in the fridge or surrounded by ice and call at 8 am
The placenta should be placed in the fridge or on ice within THREE hours of giving birth
When using ice to keep the placenta cold please replace ice every 2 – 3 hours
If you are planning an out of hospital birth (home/birth center) Stephanie will come to your home for pick up or to begin the encapsulation process at your convenience.
**Please do not allow for the placenta to go to lab/pathology as Stephanie can not safely encapsulate your placenta should this happen. If your placenta needs to be tested ask that a small sample to be cut off and sent to lab/pathology